closet/dressing room

craft room
I should explain that since I do have the master bedroom, I have a HUGE walk-in closet and most of my clothes are hung up in there, where as the extra room has a not so big closet. But, I have always dreamed of having a totally girly, pink (of course), sassy room to keep all my clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.
On the other hand a craft room could be useful. Now I am not Miss Crafty as of now, but I have been known to do a few crafts here and there. I did just get a sewing machine and am going to learn how to use it and have a few craft projects I would like to work on in the near future. Also, in moving I realized I have accumulated a lot more craft supplies (thank you sorority) than I would have expected and it would be nice to have a place to keep them all together.
Oh, what to do?!?!
Pics from Google Images
Oh well if you already have a pretty sizeable closet, I say go with a craft room! Since you threw it out there...why do you have separate rooms? Work schedules?
AHHHH, I love both ideas!! I Just had to give up my walk in closet room for Guzzi- and MOST of my stuff went down to my craft room. SO now, my walk in closet and craft room are the same...This is so exciting and I cant wait to see what you do. AND- walk in closet in master room- I AM SO ENVIOUS. I WANT!
Craft room for sure!!!! Its every girls dream, at least for the crafty ones :)
that is a tough one! i would want both as well! is there any way you could divide the rooms so that you can have both?? if i had to choose i would go with a closet, i love my clothes too much, lol. however - there are great ways to create a storage area for your craft room and just pull out the supplies as needed, which i have done for a while. the original scrap box is a great storage center for crafts. i want one badly!
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