I am trying to get caught up at work, hence the lack of posting. The first of the year is a pretty busy time for my office so I haven't had much free time to blog and posting at home is always difficult!

Grandpa and me

Mr. Pickle and his niece. She was more excited about the wrapping paper than the presents!

Isn't she adorable. She's a ham for the camera too.
Anyways, on to the Christmas post...
Christmas morning we woke up early and headed to Mr. Pickle's parent's house for their annual Christmas breakfast. We drank gin fizzes and ate a big breakfast and then opened presents.

Grandpa and me

Mr. Pickle and his niece. She was more excited about the wrapping paper than the presents!

Isn't she adorable. She's a ham for the camera too.
Even the dogs we dressed in Christmas attire
The Pickle's
After the party was over, we headed back home. We were both REALLY tired, but Mr. Pickle made us some dinner and we ventured out to see Christmas lights on some nearby houses. When I was growing up, we used to always do this as a family on or around Christmas. Now Mr. Pickle and I go. I get so excited when I see houses decorated all out. We found some good ones too. Unfortunately I only got a picture of one :(
In the car and ready to look at lights!
Puka (in his Christmas PJ's) enjoyed the lights too.
Tis' The Season
Well friends, until next year!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!
glad you had such a great christmas hun!! :)
Wow! That is a house going all out!! I wish people did that around here. I would drive around and look too! I have never heard of a gin fizz!!!
I'm glad you had a good Christmas! Mr. Pickle's neice is too cute!
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