Thursday, September 30, 2010
30 by 30 Thursday
I started back up with Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred. I am happy to report than my neck/shoulder didn't feel any pain *knock on wood*. My bootie and legs on the other hand, kinda sore...but that was expected after a few weeks off from all those squats and lunges. Going to Yoga tonight so hopefully I can stretch out the soreness.
With the summer-like weather (in Fall), a good snack around my house has been chopped up veggies with dip. Now if your a true blooded American, you probably like Ranch dressing. Too bad the Fat Free Ranch dressings SUCK!! A good tip from Hungry Girl is to make your own by "mixing about half a tablespoon of powdered ranch dressing/dip mix (the type that comes in the packets) into 1/3 cup fat-free sour cream; each tablespoon of that ranch-ified sour cream has only 15 calories or so and no fat." They also recommend the Fat Free Hidden Valley Ranch (never tried it) and the Wish-Bond Salad Spritzers Ranch Vinaigrette Dressing (have tried, but not this flavor...I liked it). What do you dip your veggies in or use on salads??
On another note, my clothes are fitting better and it is so nice not to feel so uncomfortable in them! I was so excited last week when a newer pair of jean capris fit a lot looser than when I last wore them. So glad all the hard work is paying off!!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
To Better Thy Day
Sushi, beer and my best friend!!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Weekend Review

The empty Bud Light box became entertainment for some.

Thursday, September 23, 2010
30 by 30 Thursday
To celebrate the official beginning of fall, I thought I would post a healthy soup recipe to keep us warm in the cooler temps.
The Whole Enchilada Chicken Soup - Found on Hungry Girl's website
3 cups fat-free chicken broth
1 1/4 cups finely chopped celery
1/2 cup diced sweet yellow onion
3 cups green enchilada sauce
One 15-oz. can pure pumpkin
10 oz. cooked boneless skinless lean chicken breast, chopped or shredded
1 cup frozen white (or yellow) corn
Optional: dash hot sauce, or more to taste
Optional toppings: shredded fat-free cheddar cheese, crushed baked tortilla chips
In a large pot, bring broth to a low boil on the stove. Add celery and onion, and simmer for about 5 minutes, until slightly tender. Stir in enchilada sauce and pumpkin. Once soup returns to a low boil, add chicken and corn, and mix well. Cook for an additional 3 - 5 minutes, until soup is heated throughout. Add a dash or more hot sauce. Serve and, if you like, top with shredded cheese and/or crushed chips. Enjoy!!!
MAKES 9 SERVINGS - PER SERVING (1 cup): 105 calories, 1.75g fat, 641mg sodium, 12.5g carbs, 2g fiber, 4g sugars, 11g protein
I know I love the heat, but it is so much nicer running in cooler temps!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Here are the 8 questions she asked:
1. If you won a free, expenses paid trip to any ONE country, which one would it be?
2. If you could redo college (undergrad) for free, would you choose the same degree?
Nope, although I loved Marketing, I would probably would study about fashion, probably Fashion Merchandising
3. Would you rather live in the City or the Country?
City, but only if parking and traffic wasn't such a pain in the butt
4. Would you rather run 5 miles or bike 10?
I would love to be able to run 5 miles but I can barely run half that so I would say bike 10 miles
5. Do you already have your future children’s names picked out?
No, unless I steal the names my sister picked out for her kids. She keeps saying she wants to be an aunt and I keep telling her if I have babies first I am stealing her names!
6. Are you team Bill Compton or Eric Northman (If you don’t watch True Blood, you can skip this question)
Going to have to skip this
7. What is your favorite TV show? If you want you can say which is your favorite show whose season just ended and one that is about to start? Like for me, True Blood is ending, but House and Modern Family will be starting soon.
I would have to say Real Housewives for "reality" and Two and a Half Men for sitcom
8. What do you think is the most important detail of a wedding, that you attend? For example, The DJ/band/music, cake, ceremony vows, main meal, open bar, etc?
Since I love to get my groove on at weddings, I would say the DJ/band/music.
Here are my 8 questions:
1.) How long does it take you to get ready?
2.) What is your natural hair color?
3.) Where is your dream wedding location?
4.) What is the most money you have spent on an article of clothing or accessory (including shoes)?
5.) What is your favorite holiday?
6.) What is your go to meal to cook when having company over?
7.) How many days do you celebrate your birthday (just your birthday, birthday week, month, etc.)?
8.) If you could live anywhere in the US, where would it be?
I tag:
Marcie at 365 Days of Marcie
Kristen at Adventures of Mrs. Awesome
Jenn at West Sac Honey
Molly at Stilettos and Diapers
Tara at That's Why Her Hair Is So Big
Chelsea at Hello Miss Chelsea
Sonja at For The Love Of Stilettos
Kelsey at The Seattle Smith's
Have fun!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Weekend Review

Friday, September 17, 2010
One Word
Where is your cell phone? Desk
Spouse? Awesome
Your hair? Blah
Your mother? Generous
Your father? Heaven
Your favorite thing? Shopping
Your dream last night? Fun
Your favorite drink? Cosmo
What room are you in? Office
My hobby? Wine
What do you fear? Unhappiness
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy
Where were you last night? Yoga
Something that you aren't? Snobby
Muffins? Fattening
Wish list item? Boots
Last thing you did? Email
What are you wearing? Jeans
TV? Waste
Your pets? Loveable
Friends? Everywhere
Your life? Transition
Your mood? Sleepy
Missing someone? Many
Your car? Lexus
I am not wearing? Jacket
Your favorite store? Nordys
Your favorite color? Pink
Where do you go over and over? Job
My favorite place to eat? Sushi
Favorite place I'd like to be right now? Hawaii
Join in if you would like!! Happy Friday :)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
30 by 30 Thursday
Since I have been back to running all week, I decided to find some tips on how to add distance to my runs. I am by no means looking to do several miles like some of you are able to do, but I would like to get back up to 3 or 4.
The following tips on how to run further were found on a running blog (
1.) Slow it down - If you want to add distance to your run and feel like you have reached a point where you just cannot add any more distance at your regular pace, then it is time to slow things down. Try dropping your pace by 30-60seconds a mile (for example a 7minute mile pace would become a 7.30 minute mile pace) or until you feel like you are running at a comfortable and easy pace.
2.) Keep an even pace - Running at an even pace means that you aren’t wasting energy on sprints or interval runs and will give you the best fighting chance of running additional distance on top of your usual run.
3.) Diet - A food group called complex carbohydrates is where the key to long distance running lies. Complex carbohydrates take the body longer to digest which results in a slow flow of energy that provides the raw materials that you need for long distance running...You should be eating complex carbohydrates such as past, wholegrain bread, wholegrain cereals and root vegetables 1-2 hours before your long runs as this will give your body the energy it needs to fuel your running.
4.) Hydration - Make sure you are taking on board water at regular intervals on your long distance runs to avoid feeling dizzy and dehydrated, especially during long distance runs in high temperatures.
5.) New Routes - Running the same old route means that you get to know where you think you should be feeling tired along your route instead of listening to your body. Getting out and exploring a new route not only breaks up the monotony of long distance runs but also gives you a fresh start as you don’t know how tough you are going to find it.
6.) Run with a running club or running partner - Joining a club means that you will never lose motivation whilst out on those long runs and if you are competitive like me, the thought of being the last runner back at the club house is all that I need to quicken my pace and finish those ling runs with the group.
7.) Clear up any past injuries - Before you start adding mileage to your runs, now is the time to consult a doctor about any old injuries you may have that could impact upon your training...It is best to wait a few more weeks and get a solid medical opinion before embarking upon any long term running training plan.
8.) Prevent new injuries - To minimise this risk of overuse injuries, only add a maximum of 10% to your total combined mileage per week and every fourth week, cut back your mileage by 30% for one week before progressing on the previous weeks mileage again. This allows your body to adapt to running at longer distances and the week break allows it to repair any small niggles that could develop into overuse injuries if not kept in check.
9.) Small Steps - aim to make small improvements over the period of several months until you have seen how your body adapts to running at longer distances and not aim to accomplish too much in the first weeks of training.
How far do you run?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
10 Years!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Dress Up
Although my most favoritest season is summer, my most favoritest holiday is Halloween (yes, I know favoritest is not a word IRL, but in my world it is). So even though I am a bit sad summer (if we can even call the weather we have been having the past few months summer) is coming to an end, I at least have Halloween to look forward to!!
Every year, my sister and her boyfriend host a Halloween party, which I also help plan and host. It has become quite the event around our group of friends and I (along with several others) look forward to the party every year. I love dressing up, in sorority I was all about the mixers with the different themes (I think my fave was the White Trash Wedding theme). I am always impressed by how much others get into dressing up. Some costumes are very creative while others are just plain fun. I am so excited for the party this year!While I am still throwing around a few different costume ideas (I have actually narrowed it down to two, but I can't go public with that info....hello, I want it to be a surprise), Mr. Puka Dog is set!! Here he is in his spider costume!!
(My sister actually bought it for one of her dogs but she - the dog not my sister- is too chubby to fit into it, so she passed it on to Puka.)
Puka actually likes dressing up. Every time I bring out a shirt of his, he gets all excited and jumps around!! Satch (our other dog), not so much. Not to mention, they don't really have good costume options for bigger dogs, no fair!
In another post, I will share some great costumes that have been present at the Halloween party over the years!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Weekend Review
Friday night I had the house to myself since Mr. Pickle was out with a college buddy. I spent the night on the couch with the pups catching up on all my shows on DVR, eating sushi and playing around on the computer. I finally got off my lazy butt around 8:15 and went for a nice long walk with the dog (only one of my dog's likes to go on walks, the other refuses to move after about 5 minutes). I went to bed pretty early, with the help of Tylenol PM, but was woken up around 4 am when Mr. Pickle came home!!!
Saturday morning I went to my grandpa's house and we ran some errands. I had a chiropractor appointment for my neck at noon so he came with me and then I took him to a new restaurant that he really enjoyed. I dropped him off and headed to a high school football game with Mr. Pickle. My friend's brother is a senior in high school and on the varsity football team. Their family supports him at all of his games and this one just happened to be in my neck of the woods (about an hour away from where they live). When she texted me on Friday night, I was excited that I was available to meet up at the game. We had a good time catching up while watching her little bro play foosball. Afterwards we had a dinner and movie night at home.
Mr. Pickle had to work on Sunday, so I was left alone again. I literally did NOTHING all day. Okay, so at least I went grocery shopping and did laundry and made Mr. Pickle some brownies, but other than that it was a lazy Sunday!
Friday, September 10, 2010
It's only been a four day work week, but what a week it has been!! Short weeks tend to seem so much longer to me than they should.
As mentioned yesterday, I royally screwed up my neck/shoulder on Tuesday and the pain has gotten worst each day, not to mention sleeping has not been very successful due to the pain. I have been lightly working out and was hardly able to do any yoga last night. I decided to make an appointment with my masseuse/accupressurist/miracle worker last night and was so happy she could fit me in at 8:00.After yoga, I hopped in my car, ran home to let the dogs out for a quick bit of fresh air and to change and was planning on going to my appointment to hopefully alleviate the pain. Yeah, when I got home, I noticed my roommate left the sliding glass door open and one of my dogs ran away (again!!). I had to cancel my appointment and searched for the dog for 2 hours before my sister and her boyfriend found him. Shout out to my sis and her bf who decided to drive over from SF with their doggies to help us look for our dog.
All this, on top of a full schedule after work each day this week (in which I didn't get home before 9:00 once). I am worn out and looking forward to a kick back weekend. We don't have any solid plans, but I am sure that will probably change.
Side Note: I was lucky enough to get in to see my masseuse and she cured most of the pain. I made an appointment with a chiropractor tomorrow and I should be as good as new. *fingers crossed* My masseuse has a sign in her office with this quote on it. When I saw it today it made me smile :)

Happy Friday!!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
30 by 30 Thursday
Yesterday I decided not to do the 30 Day Shred and walk for a half hour instead of run. Today, I can barely move my shoulder, so I am going to Yoga but will not be pushing it too much. (I am mostly going because it is the last class of the session and our instructor's last class before she moves :( sad day). Tomorrow I will probably do a bit of walking and hopefully by Monday I will be ready to start up with the 30 Day Shred.
Getting injured made me realize how dedicated I am to working out. It has become a part of my daily routine. I used to look for excuses not to have to get up and workout, but now I just do it!!
While I was shopping last weekend I got frustrated. I was frustrated because it was one of the first times I was shopping since I started working out. Plus, I was shopping for a purpose (to find something to wear to the wedding we were attending that night). Unfortunately, I didn't feel like anything looked good on me. In my mind I had hoped that I was able to go down a size or even stay the same size but look a lot better in that size, neither seemed to be true. Maybe I was being too hard on myself or maybe I was expecting too much change too fast??
I did find a dress (even though I still looked for a "better" one) and wore it on Saturday night. I received several compliments not only on the dress, but how good I was looking. It made me feel better because after the mall all I could think of was the fact that I have been torturing myself every day for the past several months and haven't gotten anywhere.
After hearing some compliments I was feeling better about the situation. I realized that even if I don't think I look as good as I hoped, I am doing something about it and striving to reach a goal I set for myself. On top of that, I feel better wearing my existing clothes, am healthier (hopefully), happier and have more energy. Although looking good is one of the goals, it isn't the only or even most important goal.
I can do this!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Weekend Review

Sunday morning I slept in, ahhhhhhh. We ended up meeting Mr. Pickle's parent's for lunch in Livermore and planned on going wine tasting in the Livermore Valley, but holy hell was it packed. This weekend all the wineries were celebrating Harvest. We got out at one winery to taste and decided we would come back another time when it wasn't so crazy. We went home and relaxed for a bit and I ended up taking another nap. We decided it was a pizza and movie night. We rented a few movies, picked up some pizza and spent the night in with the pups.
Monday I woke up and worked out first thing so I could get it out of the way. Afterwards, Mr. Pickle and I decided to do some work in our backyard since we were having people over for a BBQ later in the day. We worked for about 2 hours. I am very sore today!! We had an early BBQ and lounged around the house for the rest of the day. Mr. Pickle had a Fantasy Football draft last night, so he was busy "preparing" before it started. And so it begins!!!
Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. I can't believe the next "vacation time" for work is for Turkey Day!!! I may need to go on vaca before then :)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Favorite Fridays

This week's Favorite Friday topic is: Jewlery
Of course my wedding/engagement ring is one of my faves.

However, another ring is very special to me. As I mentioned before, my father passed away when I was 14 years old. My mom used the diamonds from his wedding ring and made both my sister and I a simple band.
Pics taken by our talented wedding photog Shawn Starr.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
30 by 30 Thursday

Woot Woot!!
I have been getting my butt kicked by Level 2 of the Shred, but might be daring soon and step it up to Level 3!! Speaking of getting my butt kicked, earlier this week I was running with my pooch on the main street around my neighborhood and totally BAILED. Some man driving by stopped to see if I was okay, which I was except for being slightly embarrassed. After getting up, thanking the man for stopping and assuring him I was okay and making sure the dog was okay (which he was) I couldn't help but laugh at myself. I guess that's what I get for not really paying attention to where I was going and being lazy thus dragging my feet (I tripped over the uneven sidewalk).
I have been craving salads a lot, probably due to the warmer weather, therefore I have gotten in a lot more fruits and veggies. I do think it has helped with me being so hungry at night. Now if I could just tame my sweet tooth!!
While looking for healthy snacks, I stumbled upon the following list from
30 Healthy Picks - Great snacks with less than 200 calories!!
If you are craving something salty...
- 5 olives (any kind) (45 calories)
- 1 small Martin's pretzel (50 calories)
- 2 oz Applegate Honey and Maple Turkey Breast wrapped around 2 bread-and-butter pickles (80 calories)
- 1/4 cup hummus, 3 carrot sticks (80 calories)
- 1 Laughing Cow Light Swiss Original wedge, 3 pieces Kavli Crispy Thin (85 calories)
- One 1-oz package tuna jerky (90 calories)
- 1 oz buffalo mozzarella, 1/2 cup cherry or grape tomatoes (94 calories)
- 1 bag Baked! Cheetos 100 Calorie Mini Bites (100 calories)
- 15 Eden's Nori Maki Crackers rice crackers (110 calories)
- 1 cup unshelled edamame (120 calories)
- 50 Eden's Vegetable Chips (130 calories)
- One 1-oz package of Planters NUT-trition almonds (130 calories)
- 1/4 cup Trader Joe's Chili con Queso, 18 baked tortilla chips (140 calories)
- 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds in shell (143 calories)
- 2 pieces (30 grams) prosciutto, 4 dried figs (154 calories)
- 1 Subway Turkey Breast Wrap (190 calories)
If you are craving something sweet...
- 1 package Original Apple Nature Valley Fruit Crisps (50 calories)
- 1 packet O'Coco's Mocha cookies (90 calories)
- 1 Jelly Belly 100-calorie pack (100 calories)
- One 100-calorie pack Trader Joe's Chocolate Graham Toucan Cookies (100 calories)
- One 100-calorie Balance Bar (100 calories)
- 1 Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino bar (120 calories)
- 1 package Back to Nature Honey Graham Sticks (120 calories)
- 1/2 banana rolled in 1 tbsp frozen semisweet chocolate chips (123 calories)
- 2 tbsp Better 'n Peanut Butter, 4 stalks celery (124 calories)
- 1 bag Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop Butter Mini Bags topped with a spritz of butter spray and 1 tsp sugar (126 calories)
- 24 Annie's Chocolate Chip Bunny Graham cookies (140 calories)
- Half of a 1.08-oz container of M&M's Minis mixed with 1/3 cup lowfat granola (145 calories)
- 1 McDonald's Fruit 'n Yogurt Parfait (160 calories)
- 1 container Fage Greek Total 2% fat yogurt, 2 tsp honey (173 calories)
Some of my favorite snacks have been almonds, grapes, cherries, cherry tomatoes, pita chips & hummus & Health Pop Kettle Corn.
What are your favorite healthy snacks?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Weekend Review
Friday morning I annoyingly woke up at the usual time instead of sleeping in. I hate when you can actually sleep in, but don't. So I got up and worked out and took the pups for a jog and then caught up on some DVR shows before showering and packing. Once I left the house I was headed to get my brows waxed and to San Francisco to have lunch with my sister and drop off the doggie for the weekend. After a yummy, but pricey, sushi lunch, I was off to Oakland to pick Mr. Pickle up from work. I got there a bit early so I was able to get a mani and polish change on my piggies. From there Mr. Pickle and I headed to LA for the weekend to celebrate our friend's 30th birthday. Once we landed, our friends picked us up and took us to a delicious Mexican restaurant.
Yummy Guacamole
Birthday Boy
Afterwards, the boys went bowling after dinner while the girls went home and chatted/watched TV before going to be. Yes, I did get a call at 2:00 in the morning to pick the boys up from the bowling alley since the cab company was running super late...luckily the cab showed up just as I was refusing to come get them!
Saturday morning came and we were up and getting ready to celebrate the birthday boy's day. First on the agenda was going to a beach club his family are members at. We hung out on the beach for a bit and the boys played a serious game of paddle tennis. Mr. Pickle's sister and her baby came to visit so we got to see our adorable niece for a bit.
Me & Mr. Pickle
Me and the Birthday Boy
After the beach, we went home to rest and get ready for the surprise party. The birthday boy had NO idea that his mom and fiance had planned a party. We showed up for "dinner" and he was beside himself surprised!! The party was at the beach club overlooking the ocean and Santa Monica pier...sooooo beautiful. We enjoyed catching up with everyone over dinner and drinks and ended up at a bar in Santa Monica for the rest of the night.
Getting Ready for the Party
The Beautiful View
Blowing Out The Candles
Doing the Macarena at the Bar
Sunday morning came all too soon and although we had planned on having brunch with Mr. Pickle's sister, the baby and mom, we couldn't make it. Birthday boy was still a little tipsy and everyone was not able to jump up and get ready. Instead we hit up In'N'Out on our way to the airport and was back home by 3:00. Eventually we went to San Francisco to pick up the dog and enjoyed dinner at home while watching TV and doing laundry.
Monday was spent sleeping in and doing some more chores. Not too interesting being that I was not feeling well.
Tuesday was back to work and it was TOUGH getting out of bed! At least it is a short work week before another long weekend!!