'I wish' .... I could win the lottery REAL soon, and I would hope to ________.
**The real question is would you
1.) quit your job/career
2.) continue working
I think I would quit my job and travel the world!! Unless of course, I had a job that paid me to do this!
Join in on the Wishful Wednesday fun by going to Kelsey's blog
I would definitely work, but I'd open a personal chef business and/or a 'green' cupcakery.
That sounds like an awesome idea! I would love to travel the world and getting paid to do it would be even better!
I would totally go to school full time for acupuncture and then get my own clinic! and I would totally go crazy shopping, like crazy not even thinking about what i'm buying just buy it cause it looks nice and not worry about the cost shopping!
I would quit my job to travel and then work part time because I would get bored!
Now traveling the world sounds perfect to me!
Traveling the world would be oh so worth it!
I would quit my current job. Travel. Then go back to school...becuase that would be easily paid for! :)
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