If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will recall that Mr. Pickle likes to cook. I consider him very good at cooking and am happy to let him cook since he enjoys it and me, not so much.
I have also previously mentioned that my sister's boyfriend and Mr. Pickle get along great and both love cooking together. The two of them along with a mutual friend have recently been entering into cooking competitions. Their first one was a little over a month ago in Turlock where their ribs placed seventh among several other competitors (many being professionals). Not bad for first timers!!

This past weekend, the boys headed to Sacramento where the had to cook ribs, chicken and tri-tip (that's a lot of cooking). My sister and I anxiously awaited the results on Saturday afternoon while we were exploring the desert. We finally got a call from them saying they placed 1st place in tri-tip and 3rd place in chicken. We were so happy for them.
All three of them have put so much effort into perfecting their technique for these competitions and I think they were pretty stoked with the outcome. Not to mention they catered their first event last weekend and got rave reviews.

Way to go Starvin' Marvin's BBQ Team!!!
(Last pic taken from my sister's boyfriend's Facebook - Thanks Scooter)
Woo-Hoo! Thanks for the props! More pics at www.facebook.com/StarvinMarvinsBBQ
that is so cool! Congrats to Starvin Marvin!
Hey Hey that's fun I love me some good ribs!
Good job boys! Are you going to the Reno one again this year? He should enter!!!
how awesome!! i LOVE ribs!!
congrats to the starvin marvin team!
Yay boys!
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