I know I have a horrible habit of parking it in front of the TV once I get home from work or if I don't have any plans over the weekend. I hate that I am so addicted to TV. Honestly, I don't even start watch a lot of popular shows because I don't want to get sucked in. In an attempt to start making exercise a part of my every day routine, I am going to have to carve out some time from other arenas and TV is definitely one of them.
It is obvious to me some adjustments need to be made. For instance, the green section is the typical amount of time I sleep a week (I aim for 9 hours a night) and the blue & maroon sections are the typical amount of time I work (both full time in blue & part time in maroon). Those three combined equal 67% of my time every week allotted for work and sleep. Ridic!!! I think it is about time I retire :)
In addition to adding in exercise, finding more time to spend with family and friends is a MUST. It was nice sleeping 9 hours a night (or at least trying) but if I get in good exercise I feel like I may not be so sluggish anyways! Plus even though I like catching up on sleep over the weekend, I have been enjoying having fun filled friends & family weekends!
Any helpful tips you guys have to offer? What changes would you make?
I definitely have days where I sit on the couch all night. But I would have to say exercising in the morning really helps me because then I don't feel guilty about being lazy at night because I was already up early that morning. I just started watching TONS of new shows my poor DVR is about to crash it has so many programs on there.
I like to watch tv WHILE workign out! At the gym I watch tv while on the treadmill and at my house I dont have a tv where my treadmill is, but I set my laptop up in front of me and watch shows on line or DVD's! I was catching up on shows last night and was on the treadmill for 2 hours! But, then I worked out so late, I didnt get much sleep.
:( I hope you figure out a balance! :)
This is so interesting! I should do this too. I have been thinking the SAME thing about sleep and excercise. I probably wouldn't be so stinkin' tired if I would get my butt up and excercise.
It be no point.
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