(excuse the hair and no make-up)
I have to give props to this video (from YouTube), because we of course wouldn't have been able to do it on our own.
There are several uses for our little drawstring bag, but here is just a sample of what it can be used for.

Wine Bottle Bag
I am so excited to make another one!
nice job, it looks great! i really need to start sewing again. ;)
wine bottle bag!! Love it!!
Yey for you!
My friend is coming over tomorrow night to help me make some couch pillows- I have some old ones that need new fabric so we are just putting new fabric on the stuffing. I hope I can learn as quickly has you guys are! :)
So fun! Good job, girl! And I didnt know you were turning 30 this year, too! Awesome!!! We can cheers each other over the blog world as we enter "the new 20s" haha.. :)
How fun and what a great thing to do together!
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