I recently read this book after I was told good things by a few different people.

It was a quick and easy read (read it in a day) and contained some interesting stories, advice, etc. However, what I enjoyed most about the book was the following quotes/ideas that I couldn't help but jot down.
1.) "Never Miss An Opportunity To Be Fabulous"
2.) "Life isn't a dress rehearsal, and you won't get a second chance to do your
3.) "You shouldn't take yourself too seriously, nor judge others too harshly"
4.) "Uncertainty is the essence of life, it fuels opportunity"
5.) "You can make your own destiny by focusing on your goals and working
incredibly hard"
6.) Be "observant, outgoing, adventurous, optimistic & hardworking"
7.) "1.) Challenge assumptions 2.) Look at the world with fresh eyes
3.) Experiment 4.) Fail 5.) Plot your own course 6.) Test the limits of your
Oh what I would love to go back and tell my 18-ear old self!
i should read that. But now its too late, im not 20 now!
i wish I found this in my 20's! i'm a new GFC follower :)
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