Friday I got off work early and met my sister and did a little shopping. We got Skinny Girl Margaritas and went back to my house to enjoy the cold drink and the warm weather in my back yard. Summer is finally upon us and we were loving it!! Later in the evening, our friend (my best friend from middle school whom I reconnected with via Facebook) came over to join us. Eventually we ended up out to dinner and going to the movies. We saw Bad Teacher and I must say I was seriously disappointed. My sister even fell asleep. I wanted it to be good and the previews make it look hilarious, but it was not.
Saturday morning my sis and I hit up some major garage sales. We had such a good time trying to find a good deal. My sis got some great items and I got two pieces of furniture for $50 total. I am really excited to refinish the desk I got for my craft room so I can actually get my craft stuff of the floor. After hitting up a lot of garage sales and sales at the mall, we ate dinner and parted ways. Since Mr. Pickle was out of town (for a BBQ Competition) I rented a chick flick, invited over a friend, opened a bottle of wine and relaxed (and did laundry). We ended up talking through the whole movie (No Strings Attached), but I was fine with it because it was good to catch up and the movie only cost $1 to rent.
Sunday morning my sis, grandpa and I headed to Rancho Cordova to meet up with the boys at their BBQ competition. I was about 107* outside and their booth was right in the sun, but we still had fun. The boys did really good too. They got 10th place overall (out of 38 teams)...5th in chicken (got to walk and trophy), 8th in brisket (got called), 13th in ribs and 26th in pork. This is great no only because they were up against teams that are on the Pit Masters show and have been doing this for YEARS (this is the boys' first year in this division), but also because they were one member short (due to a death in the family). So proud!! The rest of the night was spent cooling off, cleaning up and resting. Plus, there were tons of firework shows that I could see from our window/front yard. I love fireworks!!

My sis and I enjoying the band at the BBQ Comp


These guys were dressed up as Ghostbusters (they were advertising a Haunted House or something)

Me and Grandpa

Mr. & Mrs. Pickle

Starvin Marvins BBQ Team (minus Missouri Mike)

Trophy for Chicken

Showing off the trophy
Monday Mr. Pickle and I went to breakfast and then shopping for the BBQ we were having later on. We ended up hanging by the pool in the afternoon and BBQing with friends back at our house in the evening. When it got dark enough, we all moved to the front yard to watch the fireworks. Such a great way to end the weekend, although after all that, I could have used one more day :)
Looks like a blast! How were the skinny girl margaritas? I've always wanted to try one!
Fun weekend! I'm bummed it's over. I love the 4th of July!
I wish I took the whole week off :) Its been so nice here. That is awesome about the boys placing so well. Do they have a blog or website? I will have to look a the link!
I love long weekends! Looks like you guys had a great one!
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